One of those days...

Its been a very weepy day, I am exhausted by it.  

The question is why?  Its coming up to Christmas, that was always a time of heightened emotions and therefore consequences at the house.   

I remember one Christmas were I ended up at the house of a local doctor to have my head stitched followed by a visit to the hospital.  This was the one where I tried to tell the doctor a hint of how I had been hurt (clue, I didnt fall down the stairs).  He told me that I was not to suggest anything other than falling down the stairs and I clearly deserved whatever had happened as it was part of disciplining a child.  I think I was about 9 or 10 at the time.

Its hard to describe the hopelessness that engulfs you at the time.  The doctor then went to talk to my father and tell him what I had said.  The car was stopped on the way back to the house on a side road to ensure I didnt make that mistake again.