Intuition and the discovery of a superpower


You carry around an aura with you once you have been through this, predators look at you differently, you get very very good at recognising them. To this very day certain people can set of alarm bells in me, there are buildings I pass where I will tell people 'Something bad happened there'.  In recent years a friend told me I had a great imagination and went to great lengths to research a building I had made a prouncement about - I was 100% correct in my statement.

Your spirit breaks, it takes a number of years to find ways to fight back and the ways in which you could were limited. For me it was having no reaction, I found the quieter I was, the more it incited violence.  The less reaction of pain from me, made the attacks harder.  It didnt have to be sexual, random violence was built into everyday life.  If I could take a beating without a squeak or suffer a frenzied assault without any noise, it drove them crazy, they wanted me to react.  My eternal hope was that they would go to far and end me once and for all.  They came close many times but since I am writing this, they didnt go far enough.  Pity.

I think I was 7 or 8 when I discovered this superpower, I know there were many nights a beating would start, I would then black out and wake alone downstairs at some point and trot off to bed, feeling like I had won a little victory.  When he would shout things like 'what have you got to say now' and all he got back was complete silence and a blank stare, that gave me power to take anything he could dish out.  Do your worst, and he did.